Demetrius Burks (Michigan City, Indiana) was incarcerated at 17 years old in 2005, for a drive-by killing of a 19-year-old Gareth Geustyn. Demetrius was sentenced to 55 years in prison.

Despite being diagnosed as “emotionally handicapped” by his speech and behavioral therapist, no mental health evaluations were considered before, during, or after his sentencing.

After spending five years in solitary confinement, Demetrius took responsibility for his actions and began transforming himself. Through his struggles, he found redemption and a purpose: to teach and inspire young incarcerated individuals through art and music. He aims to change lives through testimony of his personal transformation.

Demetrius, having felt lost and misunderstood, now feels rehabilitated and ready to help others avoid a similar path.

In 2025, he will be eligible for sentence modification, but despite his progress and good behavior, the prosecutor has denied his requests without consideration.

Demetrius Accomplishments While Imprisoned:

  • 2006-2007 GED and Thinking for a Change Program;
  • 2008 attended Ball State University; 
  • 2016-2017 Plus Program, a community involvement program that provides tools to reenter and become a productive member of society;
  • 2017 Editor for the Plus Programs newsletter.
  • 2017 True-Self Pilot program, which is geared toward helping develop empathy and emotional intelligence. Helping create a better and more productive prison experience. He helped create the program and get it approved in Pendleton Correctional Facility. 
  • 2018 True Self Facilitator.
  • 2018 Changing Lives Through Literature participant.
  • 2018 CLTL Facilitator
  • 2018 Poetry Group Co-facilitator.
  • 2019 Toastmasters Club International (TCI). A leadership and public speaking club that helped develop communication and leadership skills. 
  • 2019 (TCI) Competent Communicator Award.
  • 2919 (TCI) Competent Leader Award.
  • 2019 (TCI) Club Secretary-Elect. 
  • 2020 IUPUI’s Inside/Outside Prisoner Exchange Program, which is a program where outside and inside students complete a Criminal Justice course on Mass Incarceration and are taught about implicit biases, empathy, and restorative justice. The class created a restorative prison model. 
  • 2022 Indiana Peer Education Program.
  •  2022 Project ECHO Facilitator, which is a group that teaches communicable and non-communicable disease prevention in the prison population. 
  • 2023 Therapuetic Community Involvement Facilitator:
    • Anger Management
    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy participant
    • Grief Counseling participant
    • Positive Psychology
    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    • Group Facilitator Alternatives to Violence Project,
    • Peer Mediator
  • 2023 Recovery While Incarcerated (RWI) is a Purposeful Incarceration Program that provides inpatient/outpatient treatment for Incarcerated individuals geared towards substance abuse and criminal addictive behaviors.

Write to Demetrius

Demetrius Burks, #168250
Pendleton Correctional Facility
4490 W. Reformatory Rd.
Pendleton, IN 46064

Note: Address both the envelope and letter. All incoming and outgoing mail is opened, examined, and read by designated facility staff.